Update on the Prevalence of Urinary Stones Based on the Site of Formation (Kidney, Ureter, And Bladder) in Patients Referred to Zabol Hospitals
Background: Urinary stones are hard deposits of salts and minerals in the urinary tract, and their formation depends on various factors, including people's lifestyle. Numerous reports have evaluated the prevalence of urinary stones in different parts of Iran. This study provided an update on the previously mentioned research.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical epidemiological study examined 309 cases of patients suffering from urinary stones referred to the Zabol hospitals in 2019-2021.
Results: The frequency of men (68%) was higher than that of women (32%). The mean age of men (39.9 ± 1.02 years) was also higher than that of women (37.6 ± 1.4 years). The distribution of stone formation by location was as follows: kidney 52.1%, ureter 34.3%, and bladder 13.6%. The distribution of occupations among participants was as follows: employees 23.9%, students 5.8%, housewives 18.4%, self-employed 38.2%, unemployed 5.8%, and retired individuals 7.8%. Among the subjects, 6.8% had diabetes, 8.4% had hypertension, 17.5% were obese, 9.4% had both hypertension and diabetes, 3.9% had hypertension and obesity, and 3.6% had obesity and diabetes. Additionally, 32.7% of participants visited the hospital in the spring, 25.6% in the summer, 22.3% in the autumn, and 19.4% in the winter.
Conclusion: In line with previous studies, the most frequent patients were in the men’s group. Considering the high prevalence in jobs, both employee and freelance, lack of movement can be regarded as an influential factor in the occurrence of the disease.