Comparison of Labetalol and Nitroglycerine on Intraoperative Bleeding in Patients Who Underwent Dacryocystorhinostomy

  • Mehdi Sanatkar
  • Alireza Ebrahim Soltani
  • Alireza Takzare
Keywords: Dacryocystorhinostomy; Labetalol; Nitroglycerine; Blood loss


The bleeding during dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery is one of the main complications that led to the surgeon’s dissatisfaction and increased the duration of the operation. The current study aimed at comparing the effects of labetalol and nitroglycerine (TNG) on blood loss and the surgeon’s satisfaction during DCR. The current prospective and randomized study enrolled 60 patients candidate for DCR under local anesthesia and sedation and divided into two groups. When the surgeon dissatisfied with bleeding during the operation, patients in the labetalol group received labetalol infusion at a rate of 0.5-2 mg/kg and compared with the subjects in the TNG group that received TNG infusion at a rate of 0.1 µg/kg/min. Additionally, the surgical condition was assessed by the surgeon using the average category scale (ACS) and surgeon’s satisfaction by a scoring system. The average bleeding in the labetalol group was 140.5±24.5 ml versus 170.4±24.6 ml in the TNG group, respectively (P=0.001). The average category scale for the labetalol group was better than the TNG group during all the time of operation. The surgeon satisfaction score during the operation was more in the labetalol group (3.4 in the labetalol group versus 2.8 in the TNG group, respectively). Labetalol was better than TNG for controlling bleeding during DCR procedure because of decreasing surgical blood loss and optimum operative condition.
