Ectopic Partial Intrahepatic Gallbladder: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Clinical Findings

  • Ozkan Ozen
  • Mani Habibi
  • Yavuz Yuksel
Keywords: Anomalies; Anatomy; Gallbladder; Magnetic resonance imaging


Ectopic gallbladder (GB) is a very rare anomaly. Ectopic GB can be found in intrahepatic, suprahepatic, retrohepatic, retroperitoneal sites as well as in falciform ligament, intra-abdominal wall, left abdominal quadrant and intrathoracic localizations. A 43-year-old male patient presented with a right upper quadrant pain in the abdomen. Upon detection of a cystic lesion with lobulated contour associated with GB in the liver in ultrasound examination, dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MRI cholangiopancreatography, and contrast-enhanced MRI cholangiography were performed on the patient. MRI revealed that the lesion was a partial ectopic intrahepatic GB. In this article, we presented an ectopic partial intrahepatic gall bladder anomaly, which is very uncommon and has been previously described by surgical operations and cadaver studies, according to our literature review.

© 2019 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.

Acta Med Iran 2019;57(8):525-527.
