Ectopic Cushing’s Syndrome as the Initial Presentation of Pulmonary Carcinoid Tumor Managed by Etomidate: A Case Report

  • Masoud Mohebbi
  • Shohreh Vojouhi
  • Seyed Alireza Javadinia
  • Faeze Keihanian
  • Mohammad Ali Yaghoubi
  • Ali Motamedzadeh Torghabeh
Keywords: Ectopic cushing; Carcinoid tumor; Etomidate


Ectopic increase of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or ectopic Cushing syndrome is a rare initial presentation of small cell carcinoma and carcinoid tumor of the lung. Here, we reported a 36-year-old male with atypical symptoms of Cushing syndrome managed by Etomidate that had a central pulmonary nodule, and pathologic evaluation of pulmonary lobectomy revealed the diagnosis of well-differentiated, low-grade typical carcinoids of lung.

© 2019Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.

Acta MedIran 2019;57(7):464-467.
