Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis and Breast Cancer: Three Cases and Review of 16 Previous Cases
Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis (IGM) is an inflammatory and benign breast disease that can mimic a wide range of breast diseases (from infection to breast cancer (BC)). IGM affects women in the childbearing age and is more prevalent in Asia. According to similarity of IGM and BC presentation and different treatment pathways, it is important to distinguish between these two diseases. We present three cases; the first one is a 42-year-old woman with IGM 2 years after treatment of a stage two breast carcinoma; and the second and third one is a 46-year-old and 41 years old ladies with breast cancer 4 and 13 years after being diagnosed with IGM. Although the occurrence of IGM and cancer in an individual patient is rare, physicians should be aware of this possibility.