Multiple Paratesticular Fibrous Pseudotumors in an Adult Patient: Case Report
Abstract- Paratesticular fibrous pseudotumors (PFP) are relatively rare benign spindle cell tumors. These tumors usually are originated from testicularis tunics and grow into the epididymis and spermatic cord. PFP is a consequent of a reactive proliferation of inflammatory tissue. We report a case of PFP with simultaneous multiple tunica albuginea and tunica vaginalis lesions. A 33-year-old man presented with painless right scrotal lump, normal serum tumor markers, and one centimeter paratesticular mass in ultra-sonography that underwent testis-sparing surgery due to a benign microscopic appearance in frozen section evaluation. Testis sparing surgery can be considered as the preferred management because of the lack of obvious evidence of potential malignancy in this tumor