Synchronous Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Breast Ductal Carcinoma: A Case Report
Breast cancer was the most frequent cause of cancer-induced death among middle-aged (20- 59) women in the last decade. In contrast, the incidence rates of thyroid cancer have begun to stabilize in recent years. The synchronous neoplasms of thyroid and breast cancers are very rare in clinical settings. The current study presented a case of synchronous Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (PTC) and breast ductal carcinoma in a 37-year-old woman. It is proposed that the mechanism of these synchronous primary tumors is associated with an interaction between the breast and thyroid hormonal responses. It is essential to examine breast tissue in patients with thyroid carcinoma or vice versa. In our case, although axillary sentinel lymph node was free from the tumor, cervical lymph nodes were involved by breast carcinoma; suggesting the importance of cervical examination in breast cancer patients.