Herbal Treatments to Gain Weight as the Potential Cause of Portal Vein Thrombosis and Hepatic Damage: A Case Report
This research aimed to assess the effect of a specific herbal agent to gain weight as the
potential cause of Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT) and hepatic damage. In this study, we
reported a 24-year-old man who referred to the Tehran University of Medical Sciences
(TUMS) hospital complaining of 4-day progressive abdominal pain. The patient’s abdominal
pain was generalized with a mild tenderness over the epigastric region. He complained of
nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. However, he reported no hematemesis, melena, or
dyspnea, with unremarkable past and family medical history. An abdominopelvic ultrasound
and Computed Tomography (CT) scan were conducted for further investigation of the patient,
which revealed extended filling defect in portal vein and its branches. In addition, the evidence
of liver hypoperfusion was found because of geographic hypodense lesion seen in the major
parts of the right lobe and the IV segment of the left lobe. The patient was further assessed
for any acquired or inherited potential prothrombotic state associated with abdominal vein
thrombosis, which were all rolled out. However, his round moon face, purplish striae, and
the back acne increased the suspicion of drug side effects. Finally, a herbal agent (Fereshteh
tablet) was found as the cause of the patient’ disease. He consumed the tablet to gain weight
from 3 months ago. His thrombosis was treated with subcutaneous enoxaparin, as well as
oral intake of warfarin. He was recommended to check liver function regularly at outpatient
hepatobiliary clinic after discharge.