Spontaneous Extensive Subcutaneous Emphysema, Pneumothorax, Pneumorrhachis, Pneumoperitoneum and Pneumoretroperitoneum in a Young Man with Covid-19
Spontaneous pneumorrhachis and pneumoperitoneum are very rare conditions thatinvolve the presence of air within the spinal canal and peritoneum, respectively, withoutany traumatic or underlying disease. During the Covid-19 pandemic, there have beenreports of spontaneous pneumomediastinum occurring in some patients with severecases of the virus. Herein, we present a case of spontaneous pneumomediastinum,pneumothorax, pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, pneumorrhachis,and subcutaneous emphysema in a young male without any past medical history ofpulmonary disease and PCR positive for Covid-19. He complained of mild dyspneawith sudden non-painful facial edema. One possible explanation for SPM in Covid-19patients is the severe inflammation and damage to lung tissue caused by the virus.Also, now that the pandemic is over and the disease is not as severe as it was at thebeginning, unknown aspects of the complications of this disease will appear. Thesecomplications are typically self-limiting and follow a benign clinical course.