Lymphoma or Brucellosis: A Case Series Study
Human Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with various clinical manifestations, rangingfrom asymptomatic infection to multisystem involvement. Cases with hematologicalabnormalities and lymphadenopathy, which were referred to the hematologydepartment of the hospital, were described from September 2021 to August 2022.These Iranian patients included a 38-year-old man and two 64- and 24-year-oldwomen. Due to the region’s endemicity and strong clinical suspicion of brucellosis,therapeutic management and invasive procedures such as splenectomy were avoidedin one case.Based on the available literature, it is evident that the infrequent symptoms thataccompany the typical symptoms of brucellosis may give rise to uncertainty andhinder prompt diagnosis. The reason is that patients presenting with indicationsof pancytopenia, coupled with splenomegaly or lymphadenopathy, are typicallyreferred to hematologists. Hence, the purpose of these case reports is to highlight thesymptoms of brucellosis that mimic a primary hematologic disorder, facilitating fasterand more accurate diagnosis.