Evaluating E-Learning Readiness of the International Campus of Shahid Sadooghi Medical Sciences University of Yazd

  • M Masoudnia
Keywords: Learning, e-learning, e-learning readiness


Introduction: Assessing e-learning readiness is one of the prerequisites for e-learning development. The aim of this study was to assess the readiness of e-learning in Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd International Campus.

Methods: This study is conducted by descriptive-survey-cross-sectional method. A sample group of 437 individuals consisting administrators, professors, and staff were selected by simple random sampling, and students were selected by stratified random sampling. For data collection, a researcher-made questionnaire adapted from Khan frame work with three dimensions of organization, technology and audience analysis with validity approved by professors and reliability by internal consistency method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient equal to 0.7 was used. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (one-group t-test) were used to analyze the data with a significant level of 0.05.

Result: By summing up the total sample group and the value of t-statistic, the difference in weighted average of the group responses with a 50% point in the organizational, technology and audience analysis dimensions were equal to 4.07, 2.21 and 2.98, respectively, and in total equal is 2/85 Larger than the critical value of the table with a degree of freedom of 436 with an error probability of less than 0.05. Hence, there was a significant difference between the weighted average of the whole sample group and a score of 50 which means the university is more than 50% ready to implement learning Electronically.

Conclusion: the International Campus of Shahid Sadooghi Medical Sciences University of Yazd is prepared for e-learning project.
