Premature Ejaculation – From Physiology to Treatment

  • Mário Pereira-Lourenço
  • Duarte Vieira e Brito
  • Bruno Jorge Pereira
Keywords: Premature Ejaculation; Physiology; Treatment; Sexual Dysfunction


Objective: To review in literature about the concept of premature ejaculation from physiology to treatment.

Materials and methods: A literature search conducted with Pubmed and Cochrane.

Results: An accurate clinical history is the best diagnostic method, and in the majority of the cases it is enough to differentiate between primary and acquired premature ejaculation. Nowadays the treatment is not curative but is effective in increasing the Intravaginal Ejaculatory Latency Time, improving the couple’s sexual satisfaction.

Conclusion: Although PE is the most frequent sexual dysfunction, it is still sub-diagnosed. Combining behavioural techniques with pharmacotherapy is the best way of treatment.
