The Effect of a Short Training Course of Hysteroscopic Myoma Resection on the Non-Technical Skills of Gynecologic Surgeons

  • Mina Jafarabadi Vali-E-Asr Reproductive Health Research Center, Family Health Research Institute, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • Mansoureh Gorginzadeh Health Systems' Engineering Research Center, Milad Hospital, Tehran, Iran
  • Elahe Rezayof Vali-E-Asr Reproductive Health Research Center, Family Health Research Institute, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Surgical Training; Non-Technical Skills; Hysteroscopy; Gynecologic Surgeons; Surgical Competency


Objective: To assess the impact of a hysteroscopic myoma resection (HMR) two-day training course on non-technical (cognitive) surgical skills among gynecologists.

Materials and methods: A 2-day educational course was held in which 95 consultant gynecologic surgeons and beginner infertility fellowship residents took part. Among all 80 participants (84.2%) had ever performed diagnostic hysteroscopy and 30 (31.3%) had performed non-resectoscopic operative hysteroscopy. The training program included instructive speeches, simulated surgical presentations, and a live hands-on myomectomy workshop. Non-technical skills were assessed two times, once before and the other after the course through two written tests with 10 multiple-choice questions for each.

Results: Concerning the 95 participants, 43 (47.3%) took the pre-course test and all of them (100%) took the post-course one. The mean score improved significantly from 3 (interquartile range [IQR], 0–4.0) to 7 (IQR, 5.0– 8.0) [bootstrap p<0.0001] for each of the randomly chosen pairings. The majority of candidates showed significantly improved cognitive skills after the HMR course despite their poor cognitive skills before the course. According to further analysis, there were significant enhancements in grades for all topics, especially regarding the basic principles of the procedure and management of complications (bootstrap p<0.0001). The odds ratio for the pre- versus post-course mean test results was 5.23. Due to the confidentiality stipulation, the pre- and post-course scores were not matched.

Conclusion: A two-day continuing medical educational course could be efficient in improving the non-technical (cognitive) skills for HMR.
