Prevalence of patterns of impacted third molars
Aim: As the patterns of impaction can affect the treatment plan of removing or remaining the impacted tooth, the difficulty of surgery, and the post-surgical complications, this survey aimed for assessment of the mandibular wisdom tooth impaction patterns in terms of angulation and depth in the north population of Iran.
Materials and Methods: 196 Panoramic radiographs were gathered from patients attending to the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery of GUMS in 2018-2019. To perform this retrospective study the prevalence of impaction, angulation, and the level of the eruption were assessed. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16.
Results: This study found that the most common pattern of impacted mandibular third molars was level B in terms of depth and mesioangular in terms of angulation.
Conclusion: The current study notes the importance of determining the angulation and level of wisdom tooth in designing the pre-surgical treatment and in post-surgical complaints