Disseminated fusariosis with ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesions in a refractory acute myeloid leukemia patient

  • Masoud Mardani
  • Rozita Khodashahi
  • Ensieh Lotfali
  • Sara Abolghasemi
  • Mojhde Hakemi-vala
Keywords: Disseminated fusariosis, Ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesions, Fungemia


Background and Purpose: Fusarium species is an opportunistic mold that causes disseminated infections in immunocompromised patients. Given the high mortality rate of this infection, it is important to make a definite diagnosis when encountering suspected cases.
Case report: Herein, we presented a 35-year-old man diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia with a prolonged febrile neutropenic period and ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesions, along with fungemia and disseminated fusariosis. The patient died despite receiving combination therapy, perhaps due to the nonrecovery of neutrophil.
Conclusion: Ecthyma gangrenosum-like lesions due to disseminated fusariosis might be easily misdiagnosed. Consequently, more attention should be paid to the cutaneous lesions in immunocompromised patients.
