Effect of Biochanin A on Serum Nesfatin-1 Level in STZ Induced Type 1 Diabetic Rat

  • Maryam Eskandari Mehrabadi Students Research Committee, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
  • Zahra Salemi Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
  • Farshad Eskandari Mehrabadi Islamic Azad University, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Amol, Mazandaran, Iran
Keywords: Nesfatin-1; Biochanin A; Diabetes; Rat


recognized as a regulatory peptide, which can increase insulin sensitivity and affect glucose metabolism. In this study, effects of BCA, on serum nesfatin-1 level were examined in rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes. We randomly divided 30 male Wistar rats into 2 control (6 rats per group) and 3 diabetic groups. Type I diabetes was induced using STZ (55 mg/kg bw) injection. Group 1 received 0.5% DMSO; while group 2 received 10 mg/kg body weight of BCA; group 3 (diabetic controls) received 0.5% DMSO; group 4, 10 mg/kg of BCA; and group 5, 15 mg/kg of BCA. The levels of serum insulin, nesfatin-1, and fasting blood glucose (FBG) were determined after 42 days. The serum insulin level increased; while FBG level significantly decreased in the BCA treatment groups. Both treatment groups had increased nesfatin-1 levels in comparison with the control groups; however, the difference was only significant in group 5 (p value < 0.05). Considering insulin and nesfatin-1 induction, BCA has potential hypoglycemic effects. Oral administration of 15 mg/kg BW of BCA showed greater efficacy than 10 mg/kg bw of BCA.
