Development and Validation of the “Treatment Satisfaction with Traditional Medicines” Questionnaire (TSTMQ)
To develop and validate “Treatment Satisfaction with Traditional Medicines” Questionnaire (TSTMQ), a preliminary 22-item instrument was designed. Content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (CVI), Intra-class correlation (ICC), and Cronbach alpha were measured, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA) were conducted. Data were analyzed using SPSS (17) and LISREL softwares (8.8). Finally, TSTMQ with 14 items and in three domains were confirmed after measuring CVR (> 0.62), CVI (> 0.79) and EFA. ICC for the entire questionnaire was 0.99 (95% CI: 0.95-0.99) (P<0.001), and Cronbach alpha was also 0.87. In CFA, all factor loadings and t-values were greater than 0.3 and 1.96, respectively. Also, χ2/df, RMSE and GFI were 2.6, 0.062, and 0.94, respectively. This study showed that the TSTMQ is a standard tool to measure treatment satisfaction with traditional medicine.