Lavender for Sleep Disorder Management in Menopausal Women with or without Hypertension: A Systematic and Meta-analysis

  • Mehdi Mameneh Faculty Member of Paramedical School, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran.
  • Ali Rokni Orthopedic Resident, Department of Orthopedic, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.
  • Masumeh Ghazanfarpour Student Research Committee, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.
  • Masoudeh Babakhanian Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Research Center, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran.
Keywords: Lavender, Sleep disorder, Menopausal women


Introduction: Regarding the prevalence of sexual problems during menopause and the interest of women in the use of aromatherapy in attenuating the sleep disorders, and due to the lack of comprehensive meta-analysis on the effects of aromatherapy on the sleep disorders, the present study was conducted to determine the effect of lavender on the sleep disorders in postmenopausal women.
Material and Methods: The following databases were selected to search systematically the effect of lavender on the quality of sleep in post-menopausal women, including PubMed, Cochrane Library, ISI Web of Science and Scopus, regardless time limit since inception to September 29, 2019. The quality of trials was investigated according to Jadad scale.
Results: After combination of the result of four trials, our meta-analysis showed that treatment with lavender was more effective than placebo in respect with improvement of quality of sleep in menopausal women (Standardized Mean Difference=1.098; Confidence Interval 95%: 0.33-1.86; P= 0.005).
Conclusion: Considering the effects of lavender essential oil on improving the quality of sleep in postmenopausal and middle-aged women, this medication can be prescribed in the clinics of sleep problems, obstetrics and gynecology.
