East Asia's Strategies for Effective Response to COVID-19: Lessons Learned for Iran

  • Leila Doshmangir
  • Alirez Mahbub Ahari
  • Kamal Qolipour
  • Saber Azami
  • Leyla Kalankesh
  • Parinaz Doshmangir
  • Khorshid Mobasseri
  • Rahim Khodayari-Zarnaq
Keywords: COVID-19, Strategy, East Asia, Iran


The spread of the new Corona virus, known as COVID-19, has raised concerns and problems for many countries, and its out-of-China exposure is worryingly increasing. This trend is increasing in our country as well and has reached a critical point in some of the infected cities. This article attempts to provide appropriate strategies for controlling the virus for Iran based on the East Asia countries response that have had the first and most exposure to the virus.


