The Effect of Motivation to Participate in Sport on Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors in Individuals with Physical Disabili-ties

  • Elif Top Faculty of Sport Sciences, Usak University, Usak, Turkey
  • Mustafa Akil Faculty of Sport Sciences, Usak University, Usak, Turkey
Keywords: Physical disabilities; Motivation; Behaviors


Background: This cross sectional study was conducted to analyse the level of motivation and proso-cial as well as antisocial behaviors of the individuals with physical disabilities who do sports, to eval-uate whether their motivational states were related with prosocial and antisocial behaviors, and to determine if the type of disability affect their motivation or prosocial and antisocial behaviors.

Method: The research was conducted on 688 individuals who do sports and have physical disabili-ties in various regions of Turkey in 2020. Motivation Scale for Sports Participation of People with Disabilities (MSSPPD), Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale (PABSS) were used as data collection tools in this research.

Results: Motivation to participate in sports level of the individuals with physical disabilities was quite high. Their prosocial behavior towards their teammates and opponents was high, while their antisocial behavior towards teammates and opponent team players was low. When subjects' motiva-tions were examined according to the type of disability, motivation levels of individuals with ortho-pedic and visual disabilities were higher than those of individuals with hearing disabilities.

Conclusion: As a result, individuals with disabilities need strong motivation to participate in sport programs and this improves them behaviourally. As their motivation for participation in sport in-creased, their prosocial behaviors were positively affected, and their antisocial behaviors decrease.
