Obstetrics–Gynecology Educational Achievements in Iran (1979-2017): Trends, Consequences and Future Implications
Background: To study the current trends in Obstetrics–Gynecology (Ob-Gyn) education and workforce in Iran since 1979 and to discuss the consequences and implications.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted to describe the Ob-Gyn residency and fellowship growth and workforce profile in Iran (1979-2017).The first-hand data gathered from MOHME and Iran’s Medical Council. The Obstetrician-Gynecologist (Ob-Gyns) per 100000 populations’ ratio and the percentage changes calculated and the trends analyzed.
Results: Between 1979 and 2017, the proportion of trained Ob-Gyns at national universities increased by 86.27%, the number of certified Ob-Gyns increased by 333% and, female Ob-Gyns increased by 1142%.The ratio of active gynecologists per 100,000 people was 5.0 in 1979 and 8.05 in 2017, represents an increase of 70%. Since 1979 the number of active gynecologists has increased by 278 and the number of active female gynecologists has increased by 996%. Since 1990 the maternal mortality per 100,000 live births decreased by 79.9% in Iran. However, since 1980 the Cesarean proportion increased by 203% in Iran.
Conclusion: Ob-Gyn education has undergone remarkable growth. Ongoing research should focus on Ob-Gyn’s geographic distribution, and potential implications of female Ob-Gyns practice pattern and technologies on women’s health.