Diagnostic Performance of Chest CT-Scan and First RT-PCR Testing for COVID-19 in Iranian Population Ramin Hamidi Farahani School of Medicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Meysam Mosallaei School of Medicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Ebrahim Hazrati School of Medicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Naeim Ehtesham Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran Bahram Pakzad Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran Mehrdad Nasrollahzadeh Sabet School of Medicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Emran Esmaeilzadeh School of Medicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran DOI: https://doi.org/10.18502/ijph.v50i8.6842 Abstract The article's abstract is not available. PDF Published 2021-07-31 Issue Volume (50) issue (8) Section Articles