Effects of Health Qigong in Improving the Cervical and Lumbar Disc Disease and Mental Health Status of Sedentary Young and Middle-Aged Faculties
Background: Shoulder, neck, and back discomforts and abdominal obesity caused by sedentariness are increasingly prominent in young and middle-aged population groups. Health Qigong improves physical functions and strengthens the disease resistance of exercisers. This study aims to explore health Qigong intervention’s effects on the cervical vertebra, lumbar vertebra, and mental status.
Methods: A total of 108 sedentary young and middle-aged faculties from Yantai University in China were recruited from July to December 2020 and randomly classified into the experimental and control groups. The former received health Qigong exercises for 12 weeks, and the latter was not intervened. The total general skeletal muscle mass, range of neck joint motion, mental health, and range of waist joint motion of all respondents before and after the intervention were tested and calculated.
Results: The body fat rate of the experimental group after intervention was significantly lower than that before intervention (P<0.05). The skeletal muscle mass (SMM) value was significantly higher than that before intervention. The experimental group had lower body fat rate but higher SMM value than the control group after the intervention. In addition, the range of motion (ROM) of the cervical vertebra was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group after intervention. Somatization, obsessive/compulsive disorder, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, paranoia, and SCL-90 total score of the experimental group after intervention decreased significantly compared with that before intervention (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Health Qigong improves the ROM of cervical and lumbar vertebrae and the mental health status of sedentary young and middle-aged groups.