Prevalence of Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Un-Protected Sex in Temporary Marriage in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: Temporary marriage (TM) is legitimate sexual relations without social, moral approval, which can be a threat to individuals’ health, it is a risk factor for spread of Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs). Therefore, it is necessary to identify and control STIs in TM-individuals and subsequent save of "society health". In this meat-analysis, we examined the prevalence of STIs in TM in Iran. We further examined un-protected sex among TM-individuals.
Method: Up to Feb 2020, we searched international and national electronic databases identify to published studies on the prevalence of STIs in TM. We estimated the prevalence of STIs in TM using a random-effect pooled estimate analysis approach.
Results: Totally, we retrieved 1616 studies from the previously mentioned databases, of which, 18 met the eligibility criteria, published from 1995 to 2020 in different provinces. The total sample size of the included studied contained 2056 TM-individuals, of which 368 were found with STIs and 955 with unprotected sex. The pooled prevalence of STIs and unprotected sex among TM women was 39% (95%CI: 24% to 54%), 55% (95%CI: 40% to 70%)
Conclusion: STI and unprotected sex are high among TM-individuals which call an urgent need for community and health care providers to provide especially designed medical and psycho-social supportive care services in a safe and unprejudiced environment for TM-individuals. Furthermore, untrained health care providers for TMindividuals, under reporting, social stigma should be taken in to account. Denying the presence of such realities, does not eradicate the facts but results in catastrophic public health problems.