Kinematic Comparisons of Increased Exercise Repetitions and Intensities on the Dominant and Non-Dominant Upper Limbs for Prevention of Dyskinesia

  • Haemi JEE
Keywords: Repetition; Exercise intensity; Asymmetry; Dyskinesia


Background: Increased exercise repetitions and intensities need to be compared between dominant and non-dominant sides to prevent asymmetrically conducted movements for possible dyskinesia.

Methods: A total of 20 participants were enrolled from Inha University, Incheon, Korea in 2019. They were assessed for comparisons of asymmetrical motion between the dominant and non-dominant arms during the abduction and adduction lateral raises during more than fifteen repetitions and low and high exercise intensity by giving different weight loads based on 1-RM.

Results: Repetition led to significant reductions in range of motion for both dominant and non-dominant sides. In addition, increased repetitions led to significant greater reductions in range of motion especially toward the last phases of repetitions. Moreover, the dominant side showed significantly increased accelerations with increased intensities.

Conclusion: Increased repetitions and exercise intensity led to reduced range of motion and increased accelerations especially for the dominant sides. Dispersing kinematics should be considered to minimize possible dyskinesia between the symmetric sides when performing repetitive and loading physical activity.

