Association between Sleep Problems and Sedentary Behaviors during Work among Korean Workers
Background: We aimed to identify the association between sleep problems and sedentary behaviors during work among Korean workers.
Methods: We employed a cross-sectional survey, and analyzed data from the 5th Korean Working Conditions Survey, conducted in 2017. The participants were 50,205 workers aged 15 years and above. The data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation, chi-square distribution, and logistic regression.
Results: Sleep problems occurred more frequently among female participants with higher ages; those with low educational levels; skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers; elementary workers; and service and sales workers. With general characteristics as control variables, it was found that the odds of sleep problems were 5.547 times higher if the duration of sedentary behavior was longer.
Conclusion: It is important to improving work environment and provide education on various physical activities for workers with a long duration of sedentary behaviors to reduce sleep problems among them.