The Effect of lnterleukin-6 Gene Polymorphism on Pediatric Pneumonia
Background: To investigate the effect of interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene polymorphism on pediatric pneumonia.
Methods: Overall, 438 patients with pediatric pneumonia (Observation group) treated in Xuzhou Children Hospital, Cinna from July 2013 to July 2018 were randomly enrolled. Meanwhile, 423 healthy children (Control group) in the same time period were randomly selected. PCR was applied to amplify the IL-6-572 gene fragment. The IL-6-572 polymorphism was detected, and the impacts of gene polymorphism difference on pediatric pneumonia were observed.
pneumonia were observed. Results: There were differences in the IL-6 genotypes between the two groups (P<0.05). Among the CG+GG genotypes in Observation group, G allele frequency was higher than that in control group (P<0.05). The risk of pediatric pneumonia for GC genotype was 2.13 times as high as that for CC genotype, and the risk of pediatric pneumonia for GG genotype was 5.56 times as high as that for CC genotype.
Conclusion: IL-6 gene polymorphism might be related to the pediatric pneumonia and the population with G allele at this locus may be more prone to pediatric pneumonia.