Online Advanced Analytical Service: Profiles for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Transmission in Southern Thailand
Background: Southern Thailand has the highest Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) incidence and fatality rate in Thailand. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology and spatial analysis techniques are powerful tools to describe epidemiological patterns. The aim of this study was to develop an Online Advanced Analytical Service: Profiles for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Transmission (OSD) in Southern Thailand.
Service: Profiles for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Transmission (OSD) in Southern Thailand. Methods: The system was developed using JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Database Management System (DBMS) with Structured Query Language (SQL) technology as the web database tool for data entry and data access, web Mathematica technology for data analysis and Google Maps™ API technology for online data display as the map service implementing GIS technology.
Results: The OSD system has been available online at URL Users performed data entry using the web-service with login by social network (i.e. Facebook) account, used data analysis tools with online real-time statistical analysis and data display with transparent color circles overlaid on Google Maps™.
Conclusion: The OSD system display represents the distribution of DHF cases with spatial information. This system enables health planners to provide interventions for DHF focusing on prevention, control, and strategic planning.