Changes in Eating-Out Frequency According to Sociodemographic Characteristics and Nutrient Intakes among Korean Adults

  • Se-Young JU
Keywords: Eating-out frequency; Sociodemographic characteristics; Korean adults; Nutrient intake


Background: The quality of out-of-home foods is an increasingly important issue due to increasing popularity of eating out. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship of eating-out frequency with general characteristics, dietary habits, and nutrient intakes among Korean adults. Methods: This study collected data from 2010- 2015 KNHANES. The total number of participants was 33,427 Korean adults aged 19 years and older. All statistical analyses were conducted using SAS software version 9.3. Results: Eating-out more frequently was associated with younger, unmarried, employed, urban resident, higher income, higher education, and being male. Regarding dietary behavior, subjects with skipping breakfast and taking snack behavior showed a tendency to eat out more frequently. Meanwhile, energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, and sodium intake were higher in subjects with ≥ 5/week eating-out frequency than those in subjects with < 5/week eating-out frequency. Conclusion: This study provides important insights into the effect of targeted public health education and policies.
