Anthropometric Estimations for Iranian General Population
Background: An essential requirement exists for a single exhaustive source of anthropometric databank in Iran. Available information about Iranian bodily dimensions is not applicable to the general population due to the sample of people investigated. This study aimed to present the first Iranian anthropometric databank by estimation. Methods: After a systematic review, 24 relevant sources of information were found and included. No time limit was considered. The method of Rapid Anthropometrics Scaled for Height was used. Results: Overall, 36 bodily dimensions were estimated, for which the seven percentiles of 1st, 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 95th, and 99th were calculated, stratified by sex. Conclusion: The resulting tables can be claimed as the most representative anthropometric databank for Iranian general 20-64 yr population now. Data are suitable for practical purpose and are applicable in both occupational and community setting.