Target Elimination-Denatured and Unstable Proteins, Environ-mental Toxins, Metabolic Wastes, Immunosuppressive Factors and Chronic Inflammatory Factors of Medical System for Chron-ic Diseases Prevention and Health Promotion: A Narrative Re-view

  • Jiren ZHANG
  • Zhaojing JIANG
  • Wenjuan WEI
  • Xufeng LI
  • Chen SUN
  • Yuanyuan ZHANG
  • Shilin FU
  • Jingfen ZHENG
Keywords: TE-PEMIC; Prevention; Chronic diseases


Background: The incidence of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight, obesity, cancer and other diseases has been increasing. It is a huge challenge to public health industry about how to provide risk intervention and preventive medical services and explore advanced technology platform for effective prevention and control of chronic diseases.

Methods: We collaborated domestic and international experts on preventive medicine, and analyzed pathogenesis and risk factors for the major chronic diseases.

Results: We established Target Elimination--denatured and unstable proteins, environmental toxins, metabolic wastes, immunosuppressive factors and chronic inflammatory factor (TE-PEMIC) system that offer us the standard and methods to eliminate and intervene pathogenic factors of the chronic diseases.

Conclusion: It provides new researches and exploring new ideas to prevent and intervene chronic diseases by applying the TE-PEMIC chronic diseases prevention medical technology system.


