Direct Costs of Hypertension Treatment in Iran

  • Mahmoud Zamandi Department of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • Rajabali Daroudi Department of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • Ali Akbari Sari Department of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Direct costs; Hypertension; Iran; Non-communicable diseases


Background: Hypertension is a common public health problem with potentially serious consequences. We aimed to explore the direct costs of hypertension treatment in Iran.

Methods: Literature review and STEPS survey were used to estimate the incidence and prevalence of hypertension for Iranian males and females and the proportion of its treatment coverage in 2020. A standard national protocol for hypertension treatment was used to estimate the required medical services including visits, medications, and lab tests. The cost of each service and the total cost of the disease were identified using the national reference costs.

Results: About 23.39 million people suffer from moderate systolic blood pressure (BP of 120 to 139 mm/Hg) and a further 14.6 million people had severe BP (≥140 mm/Hg). Nearby 39.8% of these patients, receive BP treatment. The direct costs of hypertension treatment were 19,006.08 billion IR Rials (USD 87.54 million), of which 16.60% and 83.40% of the costs were related to new and prior cases, respectively. The costs of patient visits, medications, and lab tests were 56%, 35.51%, and 8.49% of the total costs, respectively.

Conclusion: The prevalence and economic burden of hypertension are relatively high in Iran. Early detection and treatment of hypertension might have a significant effect on reducing its complications and costs. 
