Water-pipe as a Risk Factor for Genital Warts? A Case Report

  • Faezeh Ghaemdoust
  • Azin Nahvijou
  • Farah Farzaneh
Keywords: Waterpipe tobaco smoking, Genital pipes, HPV, Hooka, Nargileh


Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world. HPV infection can cause some types of cancer including female genital cancers (cervical cancer, vulvar) and male genital cancer as well as oropharyngeal cancers and genital warts. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor of cervical cancer or genital warts. 

Case presentation: This case report present a young woman who developed extensive genital warts a year after starting water-pipe smoking. These genital warts healed spontaneously after cessation of water-pipe smoking.

Conclusion: The primary hypothesis that could be propounded, is that water-pipe smoke plays a role as an independent risk factor in developing genital warts, similar to cigarette smoke. In addition, water pipe smking may transmit different infections, including HPV infection through sharing the mouth tips of the water pipe between the users.
