Effects of Psychotherapy Interventions and Mental Activity in Control of Pain in Patients with Breast Cancer

  • Sepideh Farahani Department of Anesthesia, Qazvin university of medical sciences, Qazvin, Iran
  • Sanaz Fakhim Department of Anesthesia, Qazvin university of medical sciences, Qazvin, Iran
  • Shahin Amiri Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran
  • Fatemeh Mousavi Department of Medical Labooratory sciences, Faculty of Allied Medicine, Qazvin university of medical sciences, Qazvin, Iran
  • Mehdi Azad Department of Medical Labooratory sciences, Faculty of Allied Medicine, Qazvin university of medical sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: breast cancer, mental activity, psychotherapy, pain


Background and aim: Pain is known as the greatest complication of cancer and cancer-related therapies. Therefore, control of pain has been considered with pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical methods. This study was performed to survey of mental and psychological activities in control of pain in patients with breast cancer.

Methods and materials: 166 patients with breast cancer were selected randomly in a specialist hospital in Tehran, Iran and the questionnaire, and the consent letter was completed by them. Patients were categorized into three groups; first group includes patients with great spirits and hope for complete recovery. Second group includes patients with major depression, and third group includes patients with moderate spirits. Most data in this study were for the primary group.

Results: According to data, in the deviation group, no acceptable mean of pain was obtained. In the hypothesis group, mean of pain was more passable. In the group which patients were conversed with own, mean of pain was more than previous two groups. The lowest mean of pain was related to the negative hypothesis group, and the highest mean of pain was related to patients who were prayed and hoped.

Conclusion: The obtained results showed that deviation and activity of mental are good way to control and reduce of pain. This method is without side effects, inexpensive and accessible, which reduces of pain in patients. This study suggests that use of mental activity is a non-pharmacological treatment to reduce of pain in outpatient and hospitalized patients.
