Episodic Memory bias in People with General Health and People Without it

  • Fatemeh Nikpour
  • Gholamali Nikpour
  • Azadeh Nezhadi
  • Shahryar Gharibzadh
Keywords: bias (orientation), general health, obsession, episodic memory


Introduction: Health is one of the categories in which it needs to look a spectrum or continuum, both physically and morally. Health is feeding good and not being sick. Many factors affect the sustain ability of health, one of the important factors is cognitive (memory) factors. Because episodic memory plays on important role in recording a person’s personal experience related to time and place. Memory bias means more or less, orientation and recall, or positive or negative and the purpose of research is to examine this bias.

Methods: The research method in this research is causal-comparative or causal, because it refers to cases where the reason has happened and researcher cannot manipulate them. The research data is collected from healthy and unhealthy people to the Williams test and then by causal research method statistical method analysis of variance (ANOVA) analyzed.

Results: Memory is a cognitive function that plays an important role in individual activities. Any wrongdoing in the memory system, including bias can provide the context of other cognitive functions and to threaten the public health. Therefore, it can be concluded that the intellectual functions of individuals affect their mental and behavioral performance.

Conclusion: Intellectual functions of individuals affect and behavioral performance orientation.
