Designing PharmQuiz Educational Game Application to Facilitate Learning of Pharmaceutical Information for Pharmacy Students
Background: Serious games are the addition of game elements in order to motivate the user to participate more in the learning process. The purpose of this study is to design PharmQuiz educational game application in order to learn pharmaceutical information in the introductory internship course of pharmacy for incoming pharmacy students in2020.
Methods: After reviewing the studies, the puzzle and matching mechanisms were selected for the game. The RAD software design model was used in order to design and implement, the game application was coded in Java programming languages. The game engine is unity and MySQL and PHP languages were used to implement the game database, which contains learners’ scores.
Results: A total 70 students participate in the study. The mean age of the study participants was 22 years. Average student scores show that most students have used the PharmQuiz game app repeatedly. A survey of faculty members of the Clinical Department of the School of Pharmacy showed that 100% of the members agreed that the game improves the quality of learning.
Conclusion: According to the positive attitude of students regarding the PharmQuiz educational game application and their welcome in using this application, it can be said that PharmQuiz game application is a useful tool to increase the motivation of students to study the introductory internship course of pharmacy and also to participate more in the educational process. This application can be used at higher levels as well as for learning pharmaceutical information in other medical sciences.