Herbal Remedies Effective on Treating Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

  • Aditi Chaudhary College of Pharmacy Roorkee, Haridwar University Near Bajuhari, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667, India.
  • Ravi Kumar Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rama University Mandhana, Kanpur, Uttarpradesh 209217, India.
  • Hema Barti College of Pharmacy Roorkee, Haridwar University Near Bajuhari, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667, India.
Keywords: Herbal Remedies; Idiopathic; Pulmonary Fibrosis; Curcumin


Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) poses a significant challenge in the realm of respiratory diseases, characterized by progressive lung scarring and compromised breathing function. While conventional medical interventions provide some relief, the exploration of complementary therapies has gained traction, and herbal remedies stand out as a promising avenue. This abstract delves into the efficacy of numerous herbal remedies in the treatment of IPF, shedding light on their potential impact on disease progression and symptom management. Turmeric, derived from Curcuma longa, emerges as a golden healer due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, with curcumin exhibiting promise in mitigating lung inflammation and fibrosis. Boswellia serrata, or Indian frankincense, demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects through boswellic acids, suggesting its potential role in suppressing pathways leading to fibrosis. Gingko biloba, renowned for enhancing blood circulation, may contribute to improved oxygenation in individuals with IPF, offering support for compromised lung function. Licorice root, with its anti-inflammatory and expectorant qualities, presents a potential ally in soothing inflammation associated with IPF. Green tea, rich in antioxidants like catechins, shows promise in protecting lung tissues from oxidative stress and inflammation. This abstract emphasizes the importance of caution in integrating herbal remedies, particularly licorice root, and encourages consultation with healthcare professionals to ensure safety, especially in individuals with pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure. In conclusion, the integration of herbal remedies into the treatment paradigm for IPF presents a holistic approach to addressing the complexities of this debilitating condition. As ongoing research explores the mechanisms and efficacy of these herbal interventions, the potential for natural remedies to play a crucial role in managing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis continues to offer hope for improved patient outcomes.
