Achieving Green Airport Standards by Managing Indoor CO and CO2 Levels at Domestic Terminal of Banyuwangi Airport

  • Boby Kurnia Aprilian Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental (HSSE) Staff of Bhakti Husada Krikilan Hospital, Glenmore, Banyuwangi, Indonesia.
  • Muhammad Addin Rizaldi Master Student of Environmental Health, Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Air Pollution, Carbon Monoxide, Ventilation, Sustainable Development.


Introduction: Green Airport is an airport development concept designed to be healthy. Excess levels of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the room can cause discomfort in the form of headache, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and feeling confused and weak. This study aimed to determine the implementation of CO and CO2 control in rooms to achieve a green airport at Banyuwangi Airport.

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, the obtained data were compared with related regulations. The physical and chemical quality of indoor air was measured at 85 points in three main rooms at risk using CO and CO2 detectors. Control was done through observing and measuring ventilation and detection systems in the entire occupied space.

Results: The measurement results of CO and CO2 levels have met the specified threshold value below 29 ppm for CO and 5000 ppm for CO2. Physical quality measurements have not met the requirements for indoor temperature above 27.1°C and humidity above 60%. The assessment of ventilation aspects in the domestic terminal building of Banyuwangi Airport was achieved based on SNI 03-6572-2001 received 29 rooms or 74.3% of the rooms, 10 rooms that do not fit the ventilation system are toilet.

Conclusion: The results of the assessment conducted show that there are still aspects that are not in accordance with the provisions of green buildings.
