Metabiotic extracted from Bifidobacterium bifidum modulates antioxidant capacity and inflammatory responses during peptic ulcer healing in male wistar rats: a preliminary study
Background and Objectives: Peptic ulcer disease is a multifactorial disease that affects up to 10% of people. The use of natural product remedies has received much attention for its treatment. In this research, the healing effect of metabiotic extracted from Bifidobacterium bifidum was investigated.
Materials and Methods: 45 male wistar rats were divided into 3 groups (Ctrl-, drug, and metabiotic), and stomach ulcers were induced by ethanol administration and treated by drug and metabiotic. The healing process was investigated on different days by histological analysis and qRT-PCR.
Results: The metabiotic increased IL-8 and PDGF expression and stimulated the recruitment of polymorphonuclear cells to the wound site. It caused a faster onset of the inflammation phase followed by the proliferation phase. The metabiotic increased the expression of SOD and GPx genes and the antioxidant capacity of the wound. The increase in EGF expression led to faster re-epithelization, which was evident in the wound closure process.
Conclusion: Metabiotic extracted from B. bifidum is a promising candidate for the treatment of PUD. It causes a faster onset of the inflammation phase. Improving the antioxidant status of the wound, causes a faster resolution of inflammation, which leads to the acceleration of the wound-healing process.