The high sensitivity and specificity of rapid urease test in diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in Moroccan children
Background and Objectives: Infesting nearly 50% of the world's population, Helicobacter pylori are thought to cause pep- tic ulcers, as well as gastricadenocarcinoma. Several diagnostic methods are available to detect this bacterium; however, at least two must be used together for an accurate diagnosis. Thisstudy evaluated the use of rapid urease test for diagnosis of H. pylori infection in a pediatric population.
Materials and Methods: Five gastric biopsies were taken from children during a 2-year period for the purpose of histolog- ical, molecular, bacteriological culture, and rapid urease testing.
Results: Among 83 children, 38 were male, and 45 were female with an age ranging of 2 to 15 years. The infected group represented 31%. The rapid ureasetest had a sensitivity of 88.5%, a negative predictive value of 94%, a specificity of 84.2%, and a positive predictive value of 72%.
Conclusion: A rapid urease test may be appropriate for ruling out H. pylori infection after a negative result. The positive results however, may be confirmed by a second invasive test.