Molecular identification of Malassezia species isolated from neonates hospitalized in Neonatal intensive care units and their mothers
Background and Purpose: Given the important role of Malassezia spp. in skin diseases and other associated infections in neonates, this study aimed to investigate the presence and frequency of Malassezia spp. in the skin of neonates hospitalized in neonatal intensive care units and their mothers using culture and accurate molecular-based methods.
Materials and Methods: In total, 205 samples were collected from 130 neonates (>4- day-old) and 75 mothers. Isolation of Malassezia spp. from the skin was performed using Leeming-Notman agar and modified Dixon agar media. To compare the Malassezia microflora on the skin of the neonates and their mothers, a polymerase chain reaction sequencing method was performed for spp. identification of 92 isolates obtained from neonates and their mothers. Moreover, possible associated risk factors for the colonization of Malassezia spp. on the skin were recorded.
Results: Cultures from 62.3% of neonates and 77.3% of mothers were positive for Malassezia spp. growth. Malassezia globosa was the most prevalent isolated spp. found in the skin of the study population. It is noteworthy that a rare Malassezia spp., Malassezia arunalokei, was isolated from the skin of one neonate. There was a 76% similarity between the mother-neonate isolate sequences results. The statistical analysis showed that the type of feeding is a significant (P<0.001) associated factor for Malassezia skin colonization.
Conclusion: The findings support the hypothesis that the colonization of Malassezia in neonates is significantly influenced by that of the mother, and this may be associated with breastfeeding.