Prediction of Factors Affecting Cognitive Performance in Pregnant Women using Robust Regression Methods
Introduction: This study compared the outcomes of cognitive function assessments between pregnant and non-pregnant women groups to demonstrate alterations occurring during pregnancy. Furthermore, we aimed to determine the factors acting on cognitive functions in pregnant women.
Material and Methods:42 pregnant and 42 non-pregnant women were included in the study. In order to compare cognitive performances, Montreal Cognitive Assessment test was applied to women.
Results:The assessed scores of cognitive functioning were significantly different between pregnant and non-pregnant women (p <0.001). The test value was obtained as 22.29±4.57 with pregnants and as 26.02±2.19 with non-pregnant womens. The cognitive measurements yielded lower scores in the pregnant women. A negative correlation was found between the progesterone hormone levels and cognitive scores (p = 0.025). Progesterone hormone, TSH hormone and age of the pregnant were found to be important among the factors affecting the cognitive performances in pregnants (p=0.04; p=0.001; p=0.033, respectively).
Conclusion:Significant reductions in cognitive functions are observed in women during pregnancy. During pregnancy, in order to increase the cognitive level of women, hormonal values of pregnant women should be followed.