Using Causal Attitude Network Model to Analyze the Factors Affecting Public Attitude and Acceptance of COVID-19 and Vaccination in Indonesia
Introduction: Attitudes about COVID-19 relate to cognitions, feelings, and behaviors regarding the pandemic and vaccination, as well as other factors, such as demographic characteristics, and health- related information. This research uses the Causal Attitude Network (CAN) model to measure attitudes and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among 1385 Indonesian people from 15 cities.
Methods: Data was obtained from instruments that made in the Netherlands and adapted to the Indonesian language and culture. This research integrates psychometrics with network analysis, an advanced implementation of the field of Statistics to reveal the interaction between psychological factors that shape people's attitudes towards COVID-19 and vaccination in Indonesia. Data analysis used JASP, an open-source statistical analysis software.
Results: From this research, it was found that attitude elements regarding trust in vaccine development and awareness of the importance of vaccines in Indonesian society have a high influence on other attitude elements. Attitude elements regarding the habit of wearing masks and awareness about the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine are the attitude elements that have the highest impact on changing other attitude elements.
Conclusion: Two attitude elements, trust and awareness, most influence other attitude elements. Trust in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine is related to trust in the experts developing it. In other words, increasing public confidence in the development of a science-appropriate COVID-19 vaccine will be in line with increasing public trust in COVID-19 vaccine developers, and vice versa.