Journal of Counseling Research en-US (Knowledge E) Sat, 15 Feb 2025 10:42:15 +0000 OJS 60 Internship Standards from the Point of View of Graduate Students in Psychology and Counseling <p><strong>Aim:</strong> One of the main challenges for psychology and counseling students to start their careers is the lack of skills in managing meetings and communicating with clients.&nbsp;On the other hand, most of the academic units in universities are assigned to the theoretical part and practical courses are neglected; meanwhile, the role of the internship unit for psychology and counseling students cannot be ignored.&nbsp;The purpose of this research was to identify the necessary standards for completing internship courses from the point of view of psychology and counseling graduate students.&nbsp;<strong>Methods:</strong> The present research was conducted using a qualitative method utilizing thematic analysis. The studied sample were 13 psychology and counseling masters and doctoral students in Tehran. Targeted sampling was used. A semi-structured interview was conducted, then it was transcribed verbatim, and the data was analyzed using the seven-step Colaizzi method.&nbsp;<strong>Findings:</strong> In this study, 3 main themes were identified, including the necessary criteria for the supervising professor, the necessary criteria for the educational-therapeutic environment and student assignments, and 11 sub-themes were identified. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The results of the research show that improving the quality of internships for psychology and counseling students requires strengthening the three elements of the supervising professor, the appropriate educational-therapeutic environment, and the active participation of the student. This can pave the way for better training of future therapists by providing quality supervision, adequate facilities, and educational and professional support.</p> Hamidreza Aghamohammadian Sharbaf, Marzieh Dindoost, Samin Baharshanjani Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Counseling Research Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:24:36 +0000 A Meta-Analysis on the Research Related to the Meaning Therapy Approach on Life Expectancy <p><strong>Aim:</strong> The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of meaning therapy approach on life expectancy. <strong>Methods:</strong> This research determined the effect size of the meaning therapy approach by using the meta-analysis technique and by integrating the results of different research. The statistical population included all the articles in the field of the effectiveness of the meaning therapy approach on life expectancy, which were 15, and a total of 12 methodologically acceptable studies were selected and meta-analysis was performed on them. The sources of data search included the scientific information database, the Noor specialized journals database, the Iran Journals Information Bank, and the comprehensive humanities portal. Data analysis and effect size calculation were done using CMA3 software and g-index. <strong>Findings:</strong> The results of this meta-analysis showed that the effect of meaning therapy approach on life expectancy is (1.76) (P&lt;0.001), which is evaluated as a large effect size according to Cohen's table. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> It seems that the meaning therapy approach can be used as a suitable method to improve life expectancy in medical and educational centers.</p> Poorshang Bahramyan Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Counseling Research Sat, 15 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Developing a Model of Marital Distress based on Communication Patterns and Attachment Styles with the Mediating Role of Resilience in Homemaker Women <p><strong>Aim:</strong> The present study was conducted with the aim of formulating a model of marital distress based on communication patterns and attachment styles with the mediating role of resilience in homemaker women. <strong>Methods:</strong> The present research had an applied objective and utilized a descriptive correlational method with a path analysis design for data collection. The statistical population of this study consisted of all homemaker women in the Narges Akbatan Community Group in Tehran during the first three months of the year 1401 (Solar Hijri calendar), from which 384 individuals were selected as the sample group, using convenience sampling. The research instruments included the Marital Distress Questionnaire, Communication Patterns Questionnaire, Attachment Styles Questionnaire, and Resilience Scale. Finally, the data were analyzed using the linear regression method within the path analysis framework, utilizing SPSS24 and AMOS23 software for statistical analysis. <strong>Findings</strong>: The results showed that communication patterns, secure and anxious attachment styles have a direct relationship with marital distress in homemaker women (p &lt; 0.01). Moreover, resilience was able to mediate the relationship between communication patterns and marital distress, as well as the relationship between secure and avoidant attachment styles and marital distress in homemaker women (p &lt; 0.01).<strong> Conclusion</strong>: The findings of this research indicate that in order to reduce marital distress in homemaker women, identifying couples' communication styles and attempting to change unhealthy communication patterns, through resilience-based training, counseling, and other interventions, can be effective.</p> Zahra Sadat Pour Seyyed Aghaei Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Counseling Research Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:31:09 +0000 Designing, Developing and Validating a Career Empowerment Program for Online Counselors and its Effectiveness on Job Self-Efficacy <p><strong>Aim</strong>: Psychological counseling, supervision and consultation in the online setting have become widespread. The aim of this study was to design, develop and validate a career empowerment program for online counselors and its effectiveness on job self-efficacy. <strong>Methods</strong>: The present research was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, career empowerment sessions were developed after reviewing the literature and existing concepts in online counseling. Then, 5 psychology and counseling experts determined the content validity of the sessions. In the second stage, a semi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and a control group, with a follow-up 2 months was used. The statistical population included online counselors in Tehran (Iran) in winter of 2024, who were evaluated by two-stage sampling. In the first stage, screening was done based on subjective sampling. In the second stage, based on the simple random method, 20 people were selected from among the qualified counselors with the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study and were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups (10 individuals each). The career empowerment program was administered to the experimental group for 7 sessions, and after 2 month, a follow-up was done. Data was collected using job self-efficacy questionnaire of Riggs and Knight (1994). <strong>Findings</strong>: The results indicated that career empowerment program has acceptable content validity. Furthermore, the results of training intervention showed that career empowerment program significantly increase the symptoms of job self-efficacy in online counselors (F=21/433, sig=0.001) and this effect was also significant in the follow-up phase. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Career empowerment program can be considered as a valid and effective program for increase job self-efficacy in online counselors.</p> Suzan Heydarpour, Mehdi Zare Bahramabadi, Somayeh Robat Mili, Reza Ghoban Jahromi Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Counseling Research Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:34:48 +0000 The Effectiveness of Strengths-based Psychotherapy in Reducing Anxiety Sensitivity and Panic Attacks in Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder <p><strong>Aim:</strong> The primary aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of strengths-based psychotherapy in decreasing anxiety sensitivity and panic attacks among adolescents diagnosed with major depressive disorder. <strong>Methods:</strong> The method of the present study was an experiment with a pre-test and a post-test with a control group. The present study population comprised of female teenagers diagnosed with major depressive disorder who visited the academic counseling center in city of Ardabil (Iran) between April to June 2024. In this research, 30 eligible participants were chosen through purposive sampling and randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group (15 individuals each). Data collection involved use of Beck's depression questionnaire 1996), anxiety sensitivity measures by Taylor and Cox (1998), and panic symptom assessments by Liebowitz and colleagues (1984). The experimental group received strengths-based psychotherapy consisting of 8 ninety-minute weekly sessions, and post-test evaluations were conducted for both groups to assess the intervention's impact. Data analysis was performed using multivariate covariance analysis in SPSS-24 statistical software. <strong>Findings:</strong> The results revealed that the mean scores of the experimental group for anxiety sensitivity (F=90.54, P≤0.001) and panic attacks (F=11.90, P≤0.05) were significantly lower than those of the control group. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> These findings suggest that strengths-based psychotherapy could serve as a novel and effective approach to reducing anxiety sensitivity and panic attacks in adolescents diagnosed with major depressive disorder.</p> Kianoush Zahrakar, Aysan Sharei, Ali Salmani Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Counseling Research Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:39:51 +0000 Concerns of Girls Conflicting with their Parents about Spouse Selection <p><strong>Aim:</strong> This research was done with the aim of revealing the concerns of unmarried girls before marriage. <strong>Methods:</strong> The phenomenological method was used to conduct this research. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview was conducted with fifteen 20–30 year-old single girls on the verge of marriage who reported having conflicts with their parents about marriage. The data was analyzed using content analysis, based on the Claysey analysis method. <strong>Findings:</strong> In this study, 2 main themes and 20 sub-themes were extracted, which include: a). parents' perceived concerns (with 6 sub-themes); and b). girls' concerns (with 14 sub-themes). The results of the analysis showed that the perceived concerns of parents in the field of marriage include: parents' belief that youngsters seek excitement, fear of the girl getting older, fear of the girl being helpless and alone, wrong selection by the daughter, and lack of readiness and maturity, and unfamiliarity with the boy dating. The worries of single girls on the verge of marriage include: compatibility with the husband's family, problems after marriage, fear of marriage, difficulty in compatibility with the future spouse, worry about the future, feeling of being limited in marriage, lack of progress after marriage, prediction of dissatisfaction after marriage, moving away from family, fear of future spouse's possible betrayal, lack of another date in the future, excessive negligence by parents in marriage and the effect of negative characteristics of the girl in marriage and marriage with an ideal person. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> It seems that girls on the verge of marriage suffer from a fear and worry about marriage and its related issues, which brings annoying consequences such as delay in marriage, therefore changes in the organization of attitudinal-cognitive and behavioral patterns it is needed.</p> Zahra Shafiee, Maryam Fatehizade, Faramarz Asanjarani Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Counseling Research Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:49:00 +0000 Investigating the Effectiveness of Emotionally-Focused Approach Training on Improving Interpersonal Sensitivity in Couples on the Verge of Divorce <p><strong>Aim</strong>: This research was conducted to investigate the effect of emotion-focused approach training on improving interpersonal sensitivity in couples on the verge of divorce. <strong>Methods:</strong> The research method was quantitative and semi-experimental (pre-test-post-test design, with control group). The statistical population of the present study includes couples on the verge of divorce in Tehran province, regions 11 and 12, who are between the ages of 25 and 35 years old and have been selected voluntarily and based on the inclusion criteria for the study. The sample size of the study was 20 couples on the verge of divorce, who were selected by random sampling from couples on the verge of divorce who had referred to legal centers and counseling centers in Tehran for legal matters. The data collection tool was the interpersonal sensitivity questionnaire, and to test the research hypotheses, multivariate analysis of covariance was used with the assumptions (homogeneity of regression coefficients, linearity of the relationship between variables, normal distribution of the studied characteristic, homogeneity of variances). <strong>Findings:</strong> The results of the study indicate that the dimensions of interpersonal sensitivity (interpersonal awareness, need for approval, separation anxiety, shyness, and low self-esteem) in couples on the verge of divorce who received emotion-focused approach training were lower than those in couples who did not receive this training. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The results of this study indicate that the emotion-focused approach training program had a significant effect on improving interpersonal sensitivity in couples on the verge of divorce and could be considered as an effective training program by psychologists and counselors.</p> Saleh SalehiT, Fahimeh Fadakar Davarani Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Counseling Research Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:54:32 +0000 Strengthening the National and Religious Identity of Adolescents Through Teaching Monotheism in the Form of Edutainment in Television Programs <p><strong>Aim:</strong> Religion, and, in general, culture are among the most important components of national identity worldwide. Islam is considered one of the primary criteria for the national identity of Iranians. Therefore, strengthening national identity is somewhat linked to reinforcing religious foundations. Among these religious foundations, beliefs serve as the underlying base, and within the principles of belief, monotheism is regarded as the most important element. This article aims to identify the requirements and methods for teaching monotheism to adolescents through edutainment and television programs to enhance their national identity.<strong> Methods:</strong> Part of the research related to the foundational issues was conducted using documentary and library methods, while the upper-level research, due to a lack of library resources and the novelty of the concept of edutainment in our academic literature, utilized in-depth interviews with experts and specialists. In-depth and targeted interviews were conducted with specialized experts. After conducting the interviews and going through the stages of recording and documentation, the desired data was obtained<strong> Findings</strong>: In our religious and national culture, numerous uses have been made of this strategy. Since the concept of monotheism is the highest element among Islamic teachings and exists like a soul within the body of all Islamic regulations, it is essential to avoid oversimplifying its education. Shallowing this concept is harmful, and care must be taken to preserve it. Balancing entertainment and education, as well as accurately and correctly understanding today's youth, are also essential requirements in this matter.</p> Ata Yavari, Seyyed Bashir Hosseini Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Counseling Research Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:57:08 +0000