Comparing Between the Effects of Dry Needling and Shock Wave in the Treatment of Trapezius Myofascial Pain
Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders are important causes of pain. Trigger points are one of the common reasons for myofascial pain. This study aimed to compare a single session of dry needling versus a single session of shock wave therapy on the level of pain and Range of Motion (ROM) in the people with Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) of the upper trapezius muscle.
Materials and Methods: Sixteen men with active trigger points of upper trapezius muscle were voluntarily attended in this study. They were randomly assigned into two groups. The patients were under a single session treatment of either dry needling or shock wave therapy. Level of pain (by Visual Analog Scale [VAS]) and active ROM of neck lateral flexion (by goniometer) were evaluated once before the treatment and immediately after the intervention.
Results: The VAS scores and the neck ROMs were substantially improved at both groups of study immediately after the treatment (P<0.012). However, there were no significant differences between the two groups of interventions in terms of the VAS and ROM scores (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Both dry needling and shock wave therapy can improve neck pain and ROM in patients with active trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle.