Assessment of Attitudeand Practice of General Dental Practitioners Dealing With Temporomandibular Disorders and Referral to Physiotherapists
Introduction: This study was conducted to assess the attitude and practice of general dental practitioners when dealing with Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) and referral to physiotherapy.
Materials and Methods: This comparative cross-sectional study was conducted with a study population of General Dental Practitioners (GPDs) of Mirpur Khas Sindh. The total study population estimated was about 55 GPDs in this district. A convenient sampling technique was used to recruit the samples. The study questionnaire was adopted from the different articles and modified as per our socio-cultural needs. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were calculated via chrome back alpha test by doing a pilot study on 25 participants and found its validity as 80% and reliability as 75%. The questionnaire consisted of three sections of general questions regarding referral to physiotherapy, attitude, and practice of general dental practitioners in managing temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMD).
Results: The results showed that 57.1% of GPDs believe that 53.1% of patients had neck pain and poor posture. Also, 81.6% of patients were referred to other healthcare providers, and only 22.4% of patients were referred to a physiotherapist. About 28.6% of patients were referred to physiotherapists just because of neck pain, only 22.4% of patients with postural alterations were referred to a physiotherapist. Also, 53.1% of GPDs had little confidence in assessing, therapeutic decision, and treatment outcomes of TMDs. About 69.4% of GPDs provided medical management to the patients suffering from TMD, while 44.9% of GPDs provided pharmacological management.
Conclusion: This study concluded that there is a need for TMD experts to deal with patients suffering from TMDs. General dental practitioners of Mirpur Khas, Sindh know little about the physiotherapeutic benefits for TMD. The majority of GPDs have very little confidence in making a diagnosis and treating patients suffering from temporomandibular dysfunctions.