Association of Rehabilitation Care Duration and Functional Status of People with Chronic Stroke
Introduction: There is limited information on the status of international classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF) framework in subjects with chronic stroke with varying duration of rehabilitation care. Accordingly, this study investigates whether the duration of rehabilitation care affects the status of ICF in subjects with chronic stroke.
Materials and Methods: This was an observational cross-section study on 58 individuals with chronic stroke. The number of subjects who received rehabilitation care for less than 3 months and more than 3 months were 22 (group A) and 36 (group B), respectively. The ICF components of impairment of body functions and structure were assessed using the clock drawing test, the Beck depression inventory, and the Fugl-Meyer assessment of motor recovery after stroke. The activity limitation and participation using timed up and go test, the community integration questionnaire, and environmental factors were assessed by the Craig Hospital inventory of environmental factors.
Results: The Fugl-Meyer assessment and the policy components of the Craig hospital inventory of environmental factors showed a significant difference between the groups. Longer duration of rehabilitation care only showed a positive effect on the Fugl-Meyer assessment scores. No other components of ICF showed any difference between the groups.
Conclusion: The duration of rehabilitation impacts the impairments of body functions and body structures of ICF components. The study findings are limited and further studies are required before generalizing the results.