Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Active Trigger Point in the Upper Trapezius Muscle
Introduction: To demonstrate the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in treating active trigger points to relieve pain and increase range of motion (ROM) and improve the function of the cervical region in fewer sessions.
Materials and Methods: In this single-group, pretest-posttest study, 15 participants with active myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) in the upper trapezius muscle took part. Before and after each treatment, visual analog scale (VAS), pressure pain threshold (PPT), neck disability index (NDI) questionnaire, and range of active contra lateral flexion (CLF) were assessed. Participants were given three treatments over a week, with at least a two- day break between them, and then all outcomes were evaluated.
Results: The general results of this study demonstrate a significant reduction in pain perception in terms of VAS (P=0.0001), increased pressure pain threshold (P=0.0001), increased CLF of ROM (P=0.0001), and improved neck function by reduction of NDI (P=0.0001), after the third session of ESWT intervention in participants with MTrP in the upper trapezius muscle.
Conclusion: It reveals that ESWT has positive effects on pain reduction, cervical range of motion, and cervical function in participants treated with MTrPs in the upper trapezius muscle.