The Effect of Virtual Self-Management Training in Communication Skills on The Level of Violence and Occupational Stress of Emergency Technicians at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences In 2021
Introduction: Emergency technicians face workplace violence and increasing occupational stress. Thepurpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a virtual self-management training in communicationskills on occupational stress and the degree of aggression among emergency technicians.
Material and Methods: This study involved 60 emergency technicians randomly assigned to either theintervention or control group. They completed surveys on workplace violence and occupational stress.The intervention group received six weeks of a virtual self-management training in communication skills.Data was collected after two months and analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The findings showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the controlgroup (110.08±11.92) and the two intervention groups (114.39±11.25) in terms of the averageoccupational stress before the intervention; The average job stress score between the intervention(94.0±12,70) and control (98.81± 20,81) groups significantly differed following the intervention (p=0.034);After the intervention, the intervention group had lower verbal and physical abuse frequencies comparedto the control group.
Conclusion: The virtual self-management communication training demonstrated the potential to reduceoccupational stress but did not significantly decrease the violence towards the emergency technicians.A comprehensive training program addressing violence factors and communication techniques,implemented over a longer period, is recommended