Detection of Diazinon Residue in Honey and Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) in Bandar-Abbas and Meshkinshahr, Iran

  • Fatemeh Bagheri
  • Hassan Vatandoost
  • Mansoureh Shayeghi
  • Yavar Rassi
  • Ahmad Ali Hanafi-Bojd
  • Abbas Rahimi-Foroushani
  • Alireza Razavi
  • Fatemeh Nikpour


Background: The excessive use of pesticides for crops by farmers, their destructive effects on beneficial organisms, such as bees, have become a big problem today. This study was designed to find out if the honey bee (Apis mellifera) and the honey be affected by diazinon.

 Methods: Six hives were purchased, 3 hives in Bandar-Abbas and remaining were considered for Meshkinshahr. Plants around the hive were sprayed with diazinon at a concentration of 2/1000. Sampling took place 15d after spraying, and diazinon residue was measured by the HP TLC. The study was conducted in 2017–2018.

Results: The amount of diazinon residue in honey and honey bee was measured and compared with existing studies. The amount of diazinon residue in honey bee was found to be 0.017mg/kg in Bandar Abbas, and 0.005mg/kg in Meshkinshahr hives. There was nothing in honey.

Conclusion: Honey is safe for consumers.
